Beyond Walls
If, because of Covid, you can't hang a photography exhibition indoors, then you hang it 'Hors les Murs' - ('Beyond Walls') Photomenton organises a 10-day Festival of Photography each year in November with an exhibition of the work of 110 photographers at the Palais de l'Europe in Menton. However, with France in its second Covid lock down of course this has been cancelled.
But there is no stopping creativity and innovation for artists and here you see how the committee of PhotoMenton have arranged for one or two images from each exhibitor to be displayed at Les Sablettes Beach in Menton.
Click HERE to see a video of all the images on display - a wide range of beautiful photography. Thanks to Photomenton for these images of the stands and for creating the video. If you see a couple of photos with dogs, you know who took them! Woof! More dogs here: www.jillybennett.com
Catherine Lawrence says...
It looks great Jilly, shame i cant be there to see it but it does look lovely so well displayed in a prime location, well done xx
On Nov 08, 2020
Jilly Bennett says...
Ooops, the link to my website/shop is to be found by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines – top left. Link in text of this blog post is incorrect…
On Nov 08, 2020
Brigitte says...
I absolutely LOVE this!! ❤️
On Nov 08, 2020