How do you say ‘sorry’ in ‘woof’ language?
It only takes a few weeks and suddenly I find I’ve not posted on this blog – then more weeks go by and I justify this to myself by saying, ‘Oh well, everyone sees my photos on Facebook and Instagram.’ I post an image each day on both of those social media platforms at Jilly Bennett Photography. And then, several of you lovely people wrote concerned for me – was I ill? Is everything alright? How kind and how caring. Thank you! Follow up emails made me realise that not all of you are on Facebook or Instagram, indeed many of you aren’t. So big big apologies and here we go…
The blog got side-lined is because I’m working on a book of dog photography and this has involved travel into Italy and further along the coast from where I live in France. This year I’ve been to Venice and Puglia – in October I go to Rome – and meanwhile have been on shorter trips to Genoa, San Remo, Portofino and other joys along the Ligurian coast and always to photograph dogs. The book will feature dogs of France and Italy and I need more Italian content. Anyway, who doesn’t love going to Italy!
So for today, here are a few images taken on some of those trips. I will still post travel pieces as before – when time allows – but what I promise to do is post regularly, even if I post only a few photos just to keep you in the picture, excuse the pun… No justification for not posting for so long, so no excuses other than ‘woof woof woof…’
The first photo was taken in a backstreet in the historic centre of Bari, in Puglia where a shiba inu guards his family.
The photo above and the one below were taken in Venice. I went to Venice with the intention of photographing gondoliers and their dogs. There are four gondoliers in Venice who work with their dogs and I was fortunate to find two of them. Meeting up to make arrangements in tiny hole-in-the-wall gondolier bars was all part of the fun and it was the best fun going out on the canals with them … but those images are for the book!
San Remo in winter with owner and shih-tzu wrapped up against the cold.
I saw this Jack Russell in the far distance running incredibly fast towards me in Nice. By the time I had focused the camera and clicked he’d almost run past. I only had one chance of a shot and fortunately it worked.
Beautiful Martina Franca, in Puglia – these two dogs are from the same litter but with different owners and meet up each evening to play in front of the basilica.
The image above and the one below were taken in Genoa in a beautiful arcade in one of the main streets.
Three adorable dachsunds in Monopoli, Puglia. They were on holiday from Germany.
See you soon!
En francais:
Quelques semaines sont passées et, tout à coup, je me suis aperçue que je n’ai pas publié sur ce blog…. puis quelques semaines encore et je me justifie en disant: «C’est bon , tout le monde voit mes photos sur Facebook et Instagram.» Je publie une image chaque jour sur ces deux plateformes de médias sociaux à Jilly Bennett Photography. Et puis, plusieurs d’entre vous, des personnes adorables m’ont écrit – Es-tu malade? Est-ce que tout va bien? Quelle gentillesse et quelle attention. Je vous remercie! Les emails de suivi m’ont fait comprendre que vous n’êtes pas tous sur Facebook ou Instagram et effectivement , beaucoup d’entre vous ne le sont pas. Donc, de grandes excuses et maintenant, allons-y… Le blog a été en retard parce que je travaille sur un livre de photographie de chiens et cela a impliqué des voyages en Italie, plus éloignés que la côte où j’habite en France. Cette année, je suis allée à Venise et dans les Pouilles – en octobre, j’irai à Rome – et entre temps, j’ai effectué des voyages plus courts à Gênes, San Remo, Portofino et d’autres endroits charmants le long de la côte de Ligurie, toujours pour photographier des chiens. Le livre mettra en vedette des chiens de France et d’Italie et j’ai besoin de plus de photos italiennes . Quoi qu’il en soit, qui n’aime pas aller en Italie!
Donc pour aujourd’hui, voici quelques images prises au cours de certains de ces voyages. Je publierai toujours des pièces de voyage comme avant – lorsque j’aurai le temps – mais ce que je promets de faire, c’est de publier régulièrement, même si je ne publie que quelques photos, juste pour vous tenir au courant. Aucune justification pour un si long silence, aucune excuse sauf “ouaf, ouaf, ouaf !”