Dogs in Bags, Baskets, Bicycles and Baby Carriages
When I moved to France all those years ago I was more used to big dogs than small ones. So it was a surprise to see little dogs carried in bags everywhere. I used to breed, exhibit and judge Old English Sheepdogs and they don’t get carried around in bags! At first my reaction was ‘Oh no, let them be real dogs and run around,’ and I still think that but I do see the sense of putting a tiny dog in a bag in a busy city, a market place, anywhere with lots of people. The dog feels secure.
Dogs of course are allowed in most restaurants in France and Italy (so civilised) – so it’s easy to put a bag on the ground where your little toutou will be happy and safe. If it’s Monaco, of course, he or she will probably have a chair at the table next to you!
On the other hand dogs are not allowed in supermarkets in France but that never stopped anyone … look in the bottom of a shopping trolley and you’ll often see little Fifi happy in her bag, amongst the brie and the baguettes.
And it’s not just bags – take a look...
A dog carrier. Nice, France.
A basket on a bike for one and the other hanging from a harness around Mama’s neck. Camporosso, Italy.
A hire bike in Nice, France
In a doggy carriage with lace trimmed cushions. San Remo, Italy.
In a shoulder bag. Menton, France.
A doggy travel bag. Menton, France.
Hanging from a supermarket trolley. Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France.
In a basket fixed to an old lady’s walker. Menton, France.
Show dogs in a doggy trolley. (there are 5 dachshunds in this trolley!) Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Waiting for the plane. Rome airport.
Waiting for the train. Venice railway station.
And this little pug wanted to get INTO the pram! Nice, France.